<run_ctxcommand> : Run Context Menu Command

When a user right-clicks on a file in Windows Explorer a menu so called ôcontext menuö is shown.  There are listed several commands a user can perform with the file (like ôOpenö, ôDeleteö, ôCopyö, etc.).  It is possible to perform any of such a command using <run_ctxcommand>. 


<run_ctxcommand>("File", Menu Command, Reserved1, Reserved2)

(Full) path to the file (e.g., "c:\mydocuments\doc1.doc") to run a command on.
Can be a static text or variable containing text.

Menu Command
Menu command exactly as shown on the menu.  For example: Open, Copy, Delete, etc. If the command is in submenu then use following syntax: Send To/My Documents, WinZip/Add to Zip fileà, etc.

Must be 0.

Must be 0.


<#> This command opens property dialog of ôC:\tempö directory